Healthy Smile Dental, 65 Deepcut Bridge Road, Camberley, Surrey GU16 6QP

Tel: 01252838584, email: info@healthysmiledental.co.uk , website: www.healthysmiledental.co.uk


We hope that this initial information document finds you and your family in good health. Our

communities have been through a lot over the past few months, and all of us are looking forward to resuming our normal routines.

We would like to thank you for your patience and continued support during this testing period.


You will notice a few changes across the practice. We would like to reassure you,



Infection prevention has always been a top priority in our practice, and we have always maintained high standards by following all infection prevention guidelines and protocols from all relevant Healthcare bodies, including Public Health England and Care Quality Commission.


Due to the emergence of Covid-19, our practice has implemented additional prevention protocols to help protect everyone at the practice, patients and staff alike.


We will try and explain some of our new protocols within this information document, and we greatly appreciate your co-operation whilst we implement the new protocols at the practice, which will ultimately aim at reducing the risk of Covid-19 transmission.


Provisional Timetable!


Due to the new measures we have to adopt, we will very likely open with extended hours and

appointments will be managed in a manner that promotes social distancing, as well as allow for

adequate time for the additional infection prevention protocols required.




We will initially be seeing:

• Patients with emergency and/or urgent dental needs.

• Patients with incomplete treatment prior to lockdown.

• Patients with cancelled appointments due to lockdown.

• Patients with urgent periodontal (gum) disease, who usually require 3 monthly treatments.


Before attending at the practice


We will carry out a pre-attendance assessment (stage 1 triage) 


If necessary, our clinician – Dr Mazin Al-Zibari may also carry out a telephone/video consultation (stage

2 triage) with you to assess and treatment plan any dental problem(s) you may have. 


This will help us provide you with the most appropriate appointment to restore and maintain your dental health.

Medical history and consent forms will also be obtained. These must be completed. 


We will postpone treatment for any patient who has experienced or been in contact with someone who has experienced any coronavirus symptoms within 14 days of their scheduled appointment.


Healthy Smile Dental will also operate contactless payments, and we will request that payments are made in advance over the phone prior to any appointments. This will reduce unnecessary contact risk at reception.


Practical instructions on what you need to

do when you arrive at the practice will be given to you before you attend. We ask that you do not attend too early and wait outside the practice if you do. 


Please attend the practice unaccompanied, if possible.

Carers will be asked to wait outside the practice. One adult will be able to attend with a child, please do not bring additional family members, unless you and they are happy to wait outside the practice.


Arriving at the practice

Upon arrival at the practice, you will need to CONTACT OUR DENTAL TEAM ON THE PRACTICE PHONE

NUMBER; 01252838584, to alert us of your arrival. Our team will then provide you with further

instructions regarding procedure for arriving at the practice.

When arriving, please do not touch the door handle, rather knock and our designated team member will

open the door for you. Before entering, your temperature will be taken with a non-contact

thermometer, confirming that you have no fever. You will be asked to wipe off the soles of your shoes

on a disinfectant mat. We will provide you with hand sanitiser to disinfect your hands. You will also be

given a mask and head cap to wear, as well as a plastic bag to store your mask while having your


Protective screen has been installed at the reception desk to minimize exposure of our staff of any air

contaminants. Air conditioning units with special filters have also been installed in the practice to help

decontaminate and improve the air quality for all patients, family members and staff.


BELONGINGS AS POSSIBLE. Any personal items will be stored in a cabinet in the waiting room. Our front

door will remain locked; however, we cannot accept liability for personal items.

Please do your best to use a toilet facility before attending your appointment. The practice toilet will not

be available for patients to use to minimize the risk of virus transmission and practice contamination.


direct you through the practice without waiting at reception to the appropriate surgery for your dental

treatment. Once inside the surgery, you will be asked to rinse your mouth and wash your hands before

and after your treatment.

Healthy Smile Dental, 65 Deepcut Bridge Road, Camberley, Surrey GU16 6QP

Tel: 01252838584, email: info@healthysmiledental.co.uk , website: www.healthysmiledental.co.uk

Practice protocol

You will find that the practice may appear to be quite bare when you attend. We have temporarily

removed magazines and other reading material from our waiting area, since these items can be a source

of virus transmission and may be difficult to clean and disinfect.

In line with our standard infection prevention protocols, additional disinfection and decontamination of

all clinical and common areas, including door handles and surfaces will be completed between patients.

PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH ANY SURFACES WHILE AT THE PRACTICE, our designated team member will direct you through the practice to the appropriate surgery for your dental treatment.


Healthy Smile Dental will be providing a ‘fallow’ period between treatments, to allow additional time for

additional surface decontamination and practice air purification procedures.


All future appointments will be arranged with the practice receptionist after the end of your treatment

prior to leaving the practice.


Dental procedures

For all treatment, you will be seen by team members wearing full personal protective equipment (PPE)

in line with current guidance, recommendations and evidence. 


We have no intention of being antisocial, but to minimize the risk of cross infection, we will not be shaking your hands.

Whilst these measures may make us appear impersonal and distant, please BE ASSURED WE ARE STILL THE SAME FRIENDLY TEAM UNDERNEATH IT ALL!

It is difficult for us to carry out some dental procedures without generating some level of aerosols. 


To keep aerosol contamination to a minimum, before any treatment, taking of any dental x-rays,

impressions or clinical photographs, a rubber dam may also be used during treatment, together with a high volume aspirator. 

Our air purification system will add to our aerosol infection prevention management.


Following your oral health assessment and any associated x-rays, the results and any potential

Treatment options will be discussed with you.


Considering the extent of the new protocols and PPE required to manage any infection transmission risks, and with a great deal of deliberation, WE HAVE DECIDED TO ABSORB THE MAJORITY OF THE



However, we will have to introduce a modest PPE charge for all appointments, 

at least until December 2020!


What’s next!

We have reviewed your dental care management in light of the new recommended protocols, in order to ensure WE CONTINUE TO PROVIDE YOU WITH OUTSTANDING DENTAL CARE.


The Faculty of general Dental Practice, Royal College of Surgeons of England (FGDP RCS) has recently

published important recommendations and guidelines. This has helped us finalize our new protocols.


We will do our very best to keep everyone informed of our progress and WE WILL CONFIRM OUR FUTURE GOVERNMENT LOCKDOWN CLOSING/REOPENING DATE AS AND WHEN THEY HAPPEN. 


We look forward to seeing everyone again soon.

Kind Regards

Healthy Smile Dental Team